About Me:

I’m an Artist, Poet & Creative Photographer based in New York & working everywhere.

From a young age, I’ve considered myself an artist by nature, and that has led to my now 15 years of experience in not only art direction and design experiences but to my career as an artist. Through countless hours strenuously perfecting my craft and learning how to apply my creativity in various capacities, I’ve been able to develop my artistic style based around simplistic forms, bold color palettes, and a clear narrative.

I consider myself a problem-solver and love to collaborate with other talented artists, which I have done frequently over the years to fine-tune my skillset and learn new methods from other creative minds. I consider myself to have a natural artistic eye and talent for creative thinking. My forte stems from a passion for combining traditional design techniques with modern artistry to form a unique aesthetic that speaks to not only my viewers but to a new generation of future-forward thinkers.

I have analyzed and studied legendary artists such as Michael Angelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Titian, Picasso, John Singer Sargent, and Andy Warhol. They all are experts and household names because of their unique skills, acknowledgment, and style. My work is heavily influenced by these artists and I too aim to develop stories in every piece I create. I work with various mediums and in various styles as I believe creating is the ultimate channel to communication and fabricate the untold story.



My Exhibitions

Phyllis Harriman Gallery New York City 2019
Creative Writing Exhibition | 4th - 10th February 2019
Anatomy Exhibition | 11th - 18th February 2019
Abstract Painting Exhibition | Blue Dot Award by Jury | 4th - 10th March 2019
Phyllis Harriman Gallery New York City 2018
Creative Writing Exhibition | Blue Dot Award by Jury | 13th - 20th February 2018
Artist Drawing Exhibition | 14th - 24th March 2018
Anatomy Exhibition | 8th - 16th May 2018
National Academy Museum New York City 2016 - 2017
Creative Mischief Exhibition at National Academy - 2016 - 2017
Mid-Year Exhibition at National Academy 2017
Black & White Show at Sonia Gechtoff Gallery - 2016
Fashion Week New York 'Day Three New York City 2016